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Our heart must beat for God...


The world is filled with religion yet lacking a vibrant Christian witness.  We want the benefits and blessing of the Christian life and eternal life without the call to commitment and the cost of being a disciple.  In other words, everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die.


In a society that caters to individual wants and desires, the needed challenge to the heart of the call to discipleship is often absent.  Being a follower of Jesus is a call to involvement, beyond just “believing”.  I promise you that at the Potter’s House we will not compromise the gospel to suit the individual, and each service you will hear the challenging, encouraging, life giving uncut Word of God.


The Potter’s House is made up of a tapestry of people from varying perspectives, jobs, backgrounds, and circumstances in life. We know that you are busy with work, children, home life, and more. But, our generation is crying out for a cause. It’s time to rise up, throw off selfishness and come and be a part of what God is doing at the Potter’s House.


No matter your age or phase of your life, The Potter’s House family wants to be a part of it. As you involve yourself, in your calling as a precious vessel of Jesus Christ, you will experience a friendly atmosphere and a place you can call home.


In His Service,


Pastor Jeffrey Day

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